Wednesday 26 February 2014

Language Change Articles

'how the internet is changing language'

- 'to google' is now a universally understood verb
- internet slang has been brought to the court room over '4chan'
- 'according to David Crystal, honorary professor of linguistics at the University of Bangor, who says that new colloquialisms spread like wildfire amongst groups on the net'

'Is texting killing the English Language'

- 'penmanship for illiterates' as one critic called texting
- more spoken language than writing
- developing own kind of grammar over text
- LOL - taken as sarcasm rather than the literal acronym 'laughing out loud'

'Im in ur internets, creolizin ur english'

- majority of English speakers are non-native
- 'Hinglish' - mixture of English with Indian voacbulary

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