Wednesday 26 February 2014

Language and Power articles

'Language is vital, not just to communicate'

- David Cameron announces that job seekers who don't learn English may have their benefits cut

- He quoted "We're saying that if there's something you need to help you get a job, for instance being able to speak English and learn English properly, it should be a requirement that you do that study in order for you to receive your benefits."
- 'language means power'

'The power of language may all be in the genes'

- 'Here we store the gift of language, the 'most defining feature' of human nature, as William Calvin, the distinguished American biologist, puts it.'

- Power of language has been passed onto us through our genes

'The power of speech'

- Daniel Everett went to live with a tribe in the Amazon to convert them to Christianity

- they taught him their language and converted him to their faith
- 'picked a fight with Noam Chomsky'

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