Wednesday 26 February 2014

Language and Gender articles

'Do Men and Women understand language in different ways?'

- Deborah Cameron says 'the idea is rubbish'
- 'The result is that men and women often do not understand one another.'

Study finds huge gender imbalance in children's literature

- books dominated by male central characters
 "women and girls occupy a less important role in society than men or boys".
- books written for boys fall into old stereotypes

Women told to speak their minds to get on in boardrooms

- women cannot get into the high business levels as they do not have the right level of language to participate
The claim is made by linguistics expert Dr Judith Baxter, who undertook an 18-month study into the speaking patterns of men and women at meetings in seven major well-known companies
The research found that women were four times more likely than men to be self-deprecating, use humour and speak indirectly or apologetically when broaching difficult subjects with board members in order to avoid conflict. -  this links into Deborah Tannen

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