Wednesday 23 April 2014

CLA Revision

AO1 Select & apply a range of linguistic methods, to communicate relevant knowledge using appropriate terminology & coherent, accurate
written expression
AO2 Demonstrate critical understanding of a range of concepts and issues related to the construction and analysis of meanings in spoken and written language, using knowledge of linguistic approaches
AO3 Analyse and evaluate the influence of contextual factors on the production and
reception of spoken and written language, showing knowledge of the key
constituents of language
Lexis and Semantics:
·         lexical fields
·         colloquial choices
·         contractions
·         use of determiners
·         use of pronouns
·         hypernyms and hyponyms  (A hyponym is a word that describes things more specifically. Proper nouns are good examples of hyponyms)
·         use of names

·         simple; compound complex; sentences
·         awareness of sentence functions
·         elliptical utterances   (Elliptical utterances assume a context of meaning that is largely closed to outsiders)
·         non-standard constructions / grammatical omissions
·         formation of negatives;
·         use of determiners
·         formation of questions
·         use of morphemes  (Unladylike – un, lady, like)
·         use of passive
·         use of present and past tense,

·         omission of certain sounds
·         consonant clusters etc
·         relationship between sound and meaning

·         turn-taking
·         questions
·         topic shifts
·         minimal responses
·         tag questions

·         Non-verbal communication and utterances
·         Use of humour
·         Deixis
·         References to books, tv etc

Language of the Caregiver:
·         Pronunciation
·         Pitch
·         Exaggeration
·         Simple lexis
·         Diminutives
·         Concrete nouns
·         Simple constructions
·         Imperatives
·         Questions
·         Names instead of pronouns
·         repetition
Stages of development :
·         Preverbal stage   (pre-linguistic)
·         Holophrastic
·         Two word
·         Telegraphic
·         Post-telegraphic

·         Katherine Nelson – first 50 words
·         Jean Aitchison -  lexical and semantic development
·         Roger Brown – two word phrases and meaning and morphological development
·         Bellugi – developing use of negatives and use of pronouns
·         Berko – ‘wugs’ experiment – morphological development

Phonological development and research:
·         Phonological  errors
·         Alan Cruttenden (1974)
·         Berko and Brown (1960s) ‘fis’ experiment

Pragmatics / Functions of language:
·         Halliday
·         Dore
·         Turn-taking Research eg peek-a-boo

Politeness / Face theories

Power  theories

Gender theories

Child Directed Speech Theories and Research :
·         Features of CDS
·         Bruner – Language Acquisition Support System

CLA Theories:
·         Chomsky LAD / virtuous errors / nativist
·         Skinner – beviourism / positive reinforcement / negative reinforcement
·         Piaget – Cognitive development
·         Vygotsky – play and cognitive development
·         Bruner – social interactionist

Other References:
·         Genie
·         Deaf children
·         Who participates?
·         How old are the participants?
·         What is their gender?
·         What is their relationship?
·         Where are they? What is the setting?
·         What are they doing?
·         What is the purpose of their conversation?
·         What are they talking about?
·         What social and cultural references are there?

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