Wednesday 2 October 2013

child speaking to her mum

(2 year old)
Mum;                    you’re gonna show me what
Leah;                     gonna show you what we what’s over here(2) okay
Mum;                    (laughing)
Leah;                     look look at this(4) see
Mum;                    what’s that
Leah;                     it’s your special mirror
Mum;                    from what
Leah;                     from you and and
Mum;                                    who made it
Leah;                     and I did and it’s all for you
Mum;                    awh thank you
Leah;                     I go its mothers
Mum;                                                    it’s my mother’s day gift
Leah;                     no its not a gift(.) it’s a mirror
Mum;                    (laughing) it’s not a gift it’s a mirror
Leah;                                                                                     yeah
Mum;                    aaawh this is my mother’s day gift that you give to me early without daddy here(.) it                      so big of you to blow the surprise
Leah;                                                                                                                                                     nu nu nu nu no no daddy gave it me and you can’t get it til its mother’s day           
Mum;                    (laughing) I know but today isn’t mother’s day
Leah;                     no (indecipherable) mother’s day
Mum;                                                    did you just ruin the surprise     
Leah;                                                                     (indecipherable) then you get to get it
Mum;                    aaawh I love yooou
Leah;                     a pink glass slipper a yellow glass slipper and i made a wall for you DEAR MOMMY
Mum;                    aaawh that’s so wonderful Leah
Leah;                     I chose a castle too there’s a yellow castle too
Mum;                    Leah you’re so sweet
Leah;                                                     and and this one’s (indecipherable) like a mirror
Mum;                    Leah I love it I’m gonna keep it forever 
Leah;                     yeah
Mum;                    you’re so sweet you and daddy did that together
Leah;                     yeah
Mum;                    for me
Leah;                     and it’s got glue on an all those stickers there an(1) dear mommy too
Mum;                    aaawh thank you Leah
Leah;                                                     that’s your name(4)
Mum;                    Leah thank you
Leah;                     now I got hide it under the pillow til its mother’s day got hide it under the pillow so you don’t find it until its MOTHER’S DAY
Mum;                                                                    give me a kiss 
Mum;                    (laughing) okay we’ll pretend I didn’t see anything
Leah;                     (pointing to the pillow) under here
Mum;                    (laughing) okay(.) thank you Leah love you

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