Wednesday 2 October 2013

Analysis of CLA


At the beginning of the transcript, the child shows evidence for the ‘Behaviourism’ theory. For example, her Mum says ‘you’re gonna show me what’, and Leah reformulates her words by saying ‘gonna show you what we what’s over here’. By saying the words ‘gonna show you what’ it shows that the child needed to repeat her Mum’s words in order to aid her into starting a statement. This could suggest that because Leah is only in the early stages of language, she has not yet learnt how to start off a conversation but has learnt how to take part in the adjacency pairs with her Mum.

Another element of grammar that Leah shows in the transcript is the use of her demonstratives. For example, she says ‘look at this’. By using the word ‘this’ it is an example of a demonstrative, suggesting that she wants her Mum to look at what she has in her hand. Her non-verbal communication of pointing to the mirror shows that she has used this demonstrative in the right way. Leah also uses personal possessive pronouns well. For example, ‘your special mirror’.

 The context of this interaction shows that Leah is speaking to her Mum so Leah knows exactly whose mirror it is. By using ‘your’ it shows that although Leah is only 2 years old, she may be already on the post-telegraphic stage of her language. This theory suggests that children in the telegraphic stage struggle to use pronouns, however, Leah shows evidence that she uses them comfortably.
Also, Leah uses determiners. An example would be ‘a mirror’ and ‘a wall’ and ‘a glass slipper’. By using the indefinite article of ‘a’ it shows that Leah is passed the stage of a one-word utterance where she would address the mirror as just ‘mirror’. Also, by saying the ‘it is your mirror’ rather than just ‘your mirror’ could be evidence that Leah is into the telegraphic leading into the post-telegraphic stage as she knows how to use grammar correctly.
Another element that Leah uses well is negatives. For example, ‘can’t get it til it’s mother’s day’ shows that she has used the negative auxiliary verb ‘can’t’. This shows that Leah has used a complex utterance involving a correct use of a negative. The telegraphic stage theory suggests that younger children have difficulty in understanding negatives and use ‘no’ in utterances instead. However, Leah shows evidence that she is already at stage 3 of negatives and confidently uses negatives which are attached to auxiliary verbs.

During the transcript Leah uses conjugated lexis. For example ‘it’s’. This could be an example of Chomsky’s theory that language it innate because it is unlikely that Leah has been taught to conjugate prepositions. 

child talking about monsters

Mum;                    and tell mommy again what you said you were gonna do to him if he came here
Girl;                        I said im gonna kick his ask
Mum;                    oh that’s not nice
Girl;                        is he gonna come in here hes gonna kick MY (emphasis) ask
Mum;                    (laughing)
Girl;                        so then
Mum;                    he will
Girl;                        yeaaah(2) he’ll come out in a movie he’ll come out he will come out and kick my ask
Mum;                    okay
Girl;                        so I can kick his ask
Mum;                    okay but that’s not a very nice word you should say butt
Girl;                        ooooh

child speaking to her mum

(2 year old)
Mum;                    you’re gonna show me what
Leah;                     gonna show you what we what’s over here(2) okay
Mum;                    (laughing)
Leah;                     look look at this(4) see
Mum;                    what’s that
Leah;                     it’s your special mirror
Mum;                    from what
Leah;                     from you and and
Mum;                                    who made it
Leah;                     and I did and it’s all for you
Mum;                    awh thank you
Leah;                     I go its mothers
Mum;                                                    it’s my mother’s day gift
Leah;                     no its not a gift(.) it’s a mirror
Mum;                    (laughing) it’s not a gift it’s a mirror
Leah;                                                                                     yeah
Mum;                    aaawh this is my mother’s day gift that you give to me early without daddy here(.) it                      so big of you to blow the surprise
Leah;                                                                                                                                                     nu nu nu nu no no daddy gave it me and you can’t get it til its mother’s day           
Mum;                    (laughing) I know but today isn’t mother’s day
Leah;                     no (indecipherable) mother’s day
Mum;                                                    did you just ruin the surprise     
Leah;                                                                     (indecipherable) then you get to get it
Mum;                    aaawh I love yooou
Leah;                     a pink glass slipper a yellow glass slipper and i made a wall for you DEAR MOMMY
Mum;                    aaawh that’s so wonderful Leah
Leah;                     I chose a castle too there’s a yellow castle too
Mum;                    Leah you’re so sweet
Leah;                                                     and and this one’s (indecipherable) like a mirror
Mum;                    Leah I love it I’m gonna keep it forever 
Leah;                     yeah
Mum;                    you’re so sweet you and daddy did that together
Leah;                     yeah
Mum;                    for me
Leah;                     and it’s got glue on an all those stickers there an(1) dear mommy too
Mum;                    aaawh thank you Leah
Leah;                                                     that’s your name(4)
Mum;                    Leah thank you
Leah;                     now I got hide it under the pillow til its mother’s day got hide it under the pillow so you don’t find it until its MOTHER’S DAY
Mum;                                                                    give me a kiss 
Mum;                    (laughing) okay we’ll pretend I didn’t see anything
Leah;                     (pointing to the pillow) under here
Mum;                    (laughing) okay(.) thank you Leah love you